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Industrial   1700AD-1900AD

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The Pier from the Parade
The Lighthouse
Damage on the Promenade

The Pier Structure

The Pier Fittings

Historic Images

Margate Pier - 1953 Storm Damage

Margate Pier

The Pier from The Parade

The Pier

This photograph was taken shortly after the 1953 storm.  The vessel and the debris on the road are testament to the ferocity of the storm.


The Lighthouse

Leaning Lighthouse

This photograph taken from the Pier road highlights damage caused at the end of the Pier. The workshops along the Pier have nearly been demolished by the force of the storm. The end of the Pier was seriously undermined by wave action during the storm and the lighthouse is clearly leaning. Interestingly the travelling crane at the end of the Pier is still in place.

Lighthouse base

The photograph above shows the timber piles exposed by the storm which were incorporated into the fabric of the Pier to add strength.

Collapsed lighthouse

The photograph below shows the end of the Pier following the collapse of the lighthouse. Is the spray visible at the end of the Pier created by the lighthouse collapsing?

Remains of lighthouse base

This photograph shows the remains of the lighthouse and the end of the Pier following collapse.


Damage on the Promenade

Promenade damage

The ferocity of the storm caused large blocks forming the upper course of the outer harbour wall to become dislodged and strewn across the promenade.

Promenade damage 2

This photograph taken from the roof of the workshops shows the extent of the damage following the collapse of the lighthouse and the end of the Pier. The promenade shown on the right of the picture had a small pleasure railway running its length and its rails have been bent and twisted by the storm.

Promenade and workshop damage

This photograph taken from the end of the Pier facing toward the Jetty shows more of the damage caused to the workshops and promenade.


With grateful thanks to John Pownall for kindly allowing us to use copies of photographs in his possession.


Emma Boast
Version 1. Posted 07.04.06

All content © Trust for Thanet Archaeology
All Historic images copyright reserved.