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Industrial   1700AD-1900AD

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The Pier Structure

The Pier Fittings

Historic Images

1953 Storm Damage

Margate Pier - Introduction

Margate Pier

In September 2005 the Trust was commissioned by Kent County Council to carry out an Historic Survey of the first three sections of Margate Pier which were to be affected by the proposed construction of the Turner Contemporary Arts Centre. This was followed by recording structural detail observed during the excavation of engineering test pits.

Aspects of the earliest structure of the pier and its functions were identified including the original stone fabric of the pier and structural details such as stone copings.

It was possible to identify remaining evidence of the original detailing of the pier. Mooring hooks and settings for timber platforms were recorded along with settings for original lighting and railings. A large granite newel and stone staircase represented relics of the grandeur of the original promenade.

Relics of the furniture added to the pier during a period of intensive industrial and commercial use, primarily as a coal port were identified, these included mooring posts and the rail for a travelling crane. Engraved markings and wear from chains and ropes provided evidence of the day to day use of the pier.

Emma Boast
Version 1. Posted 24.02.06

All content © Trust for Thanet Archaeology